
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata (Haeckel 1847) / Fish
Subphylum: Vertebrata (Lamarck 1801)
Infraphylum: Gnathostomata (Gegenbaur 1874)
Class: Chondrichthyes (Huxley 1880)
Subclass: Holocephali (Bonaparte 1832)
Superorder: Holocephalomorpha (Lund 1986)
Order: Chimaeriformes (Obruchev 1953)
Family: Callorhynchidae (Garman 1901)
Subfamily: Callorhynchinae (Stahl 1999)
Genus: Ischyodus (Egerton 1843)
Phylum: Chordata (Haeckel 1847) / Fish
Subphylum: Vertebrata (Lamarck 1801)
Infraphylum: Gnathostomata (Gegenbaur 1874)
Class: Chondrichthyes (Huxley 1880)
Subclass: Holocephali (Bonaparte 1832)
Superorder: Holocephalomorpha (Lund 1986)
Order: Chimaeriformes (Obruchev 1953)
Family: Callorhynchidae (Garman 1901)
Subfamily: Callorhynchinae (Stahl 1999)
Genus: Ischyodus (Egerton 1843)

Part of tooth plate cut to show detail of bone.
Collection date

Collection place

United Kingdom > England > Dorset